JQuery the future of Javascript or not

The Javascript and jQuery two languages of scripts that many developer in the world use in their web development of some web projects like eletronic devices and more. But other peoples don’t like the jQuery and like javascript who is the first version of this language.

Brendan Eich is an American technologist and creator of the JavaScript programming language. He co-founded the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation, and served as the Mozilla Corporation’s chief technical officer and briefly, as its chief executive officer. (Source: Wikipedia)

John Resig is an American software engineer and entrepreneur, best known as the creator and lead developer of the jQuery JavaScript library. (Source : Wikipedia)

Why a framework who helps many developers to code more easily with a script who is connected to some javascript libraries will not be great for these fans and actors?

Everyone can see, how is very simple to write a javascript code with the framework jQuery. And how is more easily to optimize and make more dynamic a web site, create beautiful things for optimize many needs with this language of scripts augmented.

The purists, we tell us that is not a Javascript code because they want everyone code like them. But why we have created many of this things to build more easily these houses, trains, printers, bicycles, cars and others.

Why they want make all things complicated, when we can make simple?

<p class="has-normal-font-size" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Comparative of this two language of scripts:Comparative of this two language of scripts:

Javascript code :


jQuery code :

$(‘simple-li’) ;

What is the advantage of the jQuery ?

  • You can code most common JS actions using jQuery with fewer lines of code ;
  • Browser compatibility – you can write code which runs across browsers without having to know the various browser intricacies and won’t break ;
  • Lets you write JavaScript quicker and easier ;
  • Avoids common browser errors ;
  • Simplification of usually complicated operations – complex operations like Ajax interactions, animation, event handling etc. They are handled by jQ with the best lines of code ;
  • jQ is battle tested and uses the fast and best lines of code for accomplishing most tasks ;

Example of websites make with this beautiful language of script augmented :

Published by webmaster

I introduce myself, Arnold W. KITI, I work for the startup The Webinarts as a Web Consultant & SEO, and I am a freelancer who is registered at the RCCM(SN.DKR.2019.A.7324) and NINEA(007361546) in the state of Senegal.

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