Build a website VS Social Network

Brainstorming on a web project

With the number of companies in the world who use Social Network, why build a website for your company, and call a web consultant for this type of project.

In our digital world, we have many ways to communicate our services to our potential customers. We have Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and many more others, but all of them have their own limit and profit.

But a website is something that is more personal who will give a better view of your vision and perspective of your companies (Shop, Industries, Health, Restaurants, Barbershops, Tourism agencies, …). 

Your customer need something more different from a Social Network where you have always the same presentation with the same description who is like on other page. A website is the presentation of your company with more details than you can have on the Social Network.

On your website you can customize many things, or in the social network you don’t have all this tools who are offered by a Web Design Tool, IDE or CMS, and the technical approaches with the code.

For something like that, you need an expert of this domain like a Web Consultant. Not the Social Network is not necessary, but you can make all you want with a beautiful and attractive website. 

The first website was created in 1989 by Sir. Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist who worked at CERN. That is the best creation of communication, the World Wide Web, who is to help the system internet to connect some persons around the benefit society.

Initially, websites were categorized by their areas of function by a domain name with an extension:

Websites of government agencies :

Websites of educational institutions :

Websites of non-profit organizations :

Commercial websites :

New commercial websites : ; ;

Information websites :

Published by webmaster

I introduce myself, Arnold W. KITI, I work for the startup The Webinarts as a Web Consultant & SEO, and I am a freelancer who is registered at the RCCM(SN.DKR.2019.A.7324) and NINEA(007361546) in the state of Senegal.

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