WordPress 2022 Keynote Address on YouTube Live

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I follow this great moment since the flat of mother and I like this new WordPress Version 6.1. Better than 2009, when I use this open source software to rebuild or build a website.

Matt Mullenweg, create a great tool for the UX/UI Web Designer, that I am and my Team The Webinarts and many other contributors on this web project.

I am in this CMS (Content Management System) Since 2009 at the end of my classroom with Bachelor’s ITC. And I never see a CMS like this one, who grow up very well, fast and so beautiful.

YouTube Live : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_6cEoFFcdc

The features as incredible as the plugin Google Font, who have a great fonts style for our web project as we present to our customers/prospections in our journey of Freelancers.

Published by webmaster

I introduce myself, Arnold W. KITI, I work for the startup The Webinarts as a Web Consultant & SEO, and I am a freelancer who is registered at the RCCM(SN.DKR.2019.A.7324) and NINEA(007361546) in the state of Senegal.

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